
A Message from the Senior Director of Programs
My arrival at the Wilson Foundation coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic and corresponding social distancing.

Some Things Never Change
Our co-founder Joe Wilson said, “We overestimate what we can do in the short run—and underestimate what we can do in the long run.”

Let’s Be Candid About Board Succession Planning
The Wilson Foundation recently shared its Board succession planning process as a guest blog for Exponent Philanthropy.

Strategic Plan Definitions
Please consider this short guide on what the Foundation means by some of the terms in its new strategic plan.

Advocacy Funding
Advocacy will provide a voice for issues and solutions relating to trauma and housing instability.

Prevention Funding
Prevention support will work to prevent traumatic events and the effects after experiencing an event, as well as preventing homelessness for families.

Collaboration Funding
Collaboration will provide opportunities for outcome-driven collaborations and resource connections, and provide the necessary support for housing and trauma-related issues to be at the right tables to guarantee those issues are heard.

Capacity Building Funding
Capacity Building will enhance the needs of the community and non-profits to better support families and youth in relation to trauma supports and housing issues.

War, What Is It Good For?
In 1964 President Lyndon Johnson attempted to lead a country scarred by racism, wounded by lives lived in poverty and in shock after the assassination of a President.

Trauma-Informed = Customer Service
I recently traveled and because of delays arrived to my hotel late in the evening. So, naturally being a bit cranky, I was eager to check in and relax.

Who Inspires You?
A few years ago I attended an event that asked women to identify a female who inspired them.

The Corp of Discovery
In 1804 Thomas Jefferson asked Congress to fund an expedition west for the discovery of a northwest water passage to the Pacific Ocean.

Joe Wilson’s Advice
It is daunting to set high goals—what if you fail, or come up just short?

I recently saw a commercial in which a retailer changed thanksgiving to thanksgetting. At first I rolled my eyes at their attempt to be clever.

I Look Like…
On August 4th the White House hosted a Demo Day on inclusive entrepreneurship. President Obama referenced Xerox’s diversity program, known as the Wilson Rule.

Noah’s Arc Lessons, Part 5
Don’t wait for experts to solve your problem. The Titanic was built by experts; the arc was built by an amateur.

Noah’s Arc Lessons, Part 4
Don’t let critics control your life.

Noah’s Arc Lessons, Part 3
Plan ahead—it wasn’t raining when he built the boat.

Noah’s Arc Lessons, Part 2
We are all on the same boat.

Noah’s Arc Lessons, Part 1
Don’t miss the boat.